When you hit a snag.
Hey y’all, how are you all? Well if you can’t tell, we had a slight snag in the road here in Appalachia. We finished our pattern testing. And we got really lucky. We had some incredible women to pattern test for us. Do y’all know how difficult it is, to write instructions? Especially when talking in itself is a challenge on a good day. Those extraordinary ladies are the reason anyone will be able to follow the instructions! Here is where the snag comes in. It’s the day of release, and guess what happened? Our website crashed. Isn’t that a perfect ending?

This might be embarrassing to some, but I just see it as a test. And you know who didn’t win that day? Satan, he lost, because we aren’t giving up. But that is why there wasn’t a blog post last week. Sometimes life hands you some unexpected curveballs. We are really sorry that we weren’t around last week. See here is the thing you don’t know. I am completely illiterate in this field. I’ve barely ever even done more than send an email since 2012 give or take. So for me, Greek would possibly be easier to learn. What is that saying, you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks? Well I’m not old, but it applies here. Thankfully Samantha has a bit more ability than I do.

Samantha spent her whole weekend working on it for you guys. And we made some big decisions to hopefully ensure that you guys never have a problem getting to the site again. We are also learning approximately five programs at the same time. Ok, I am learning them at the same time. Samantha has a pretty good grasp on them already. And we might be working on our second pattern, we both might be quilting again this week. So be looking for pictures over on Instagram soon. It must be a fall thing for Samantha and I. Or possibly, we just get really busy this time of year. I think it’s because we really enjoy spending time with our children during the summer, so we put everything off until school starts back.

So you guys want a hint on the second Appalachia Sews pattern? It will arrive just in time for the chill in the mountains this fall. That’s all I can give you guys! We hope you love Esther, she will always have our hearts. We chose that name because of all our girls’ love of the movie “One Night with the King”, based on the story of Esther. Just in case anyone was curious about her name. She is really a beautiful dress, that could be made really simple for church on Sunday, casual dressy for a date or event, but I can also see her in Satins or silk as a bridesmaid dress. Samantha did such an amazing job on that ! And yes she gets all the credit because she did the hard parts, all I did was some sewing. Throughout this post, you’ll see all her pictures. Our testers were so talented! We y’all we hope you have a blessed week! And we will see you again next week on the porch!